首页 > 行业 > 《布洛芬的悲伤》(悲伤的句子)悲伤乳头综合症到底是什么,



现在,我们开始第121天的学习打卡!注:封面图来源网络 今日外刊·An article published in the Journal ofAdvertising Research some years ago found that themes of love are less prominent in modern songs; instead, desperation seems to feature quite frequently. A more recent study, published in

the Journal of Popular Music Studies, also shows that contemporary songwriters are inspired by sadder themes than their predecessors. The authors of this study conclude that themes like anger, disgust, fear, sadness, and conscientiousness have increased significantly, while joy, confidence, and openness expressed in pop song lyrics have declined.(来

源:Psychology Today)……⏰ 精读时间……· 词汇分析 ·prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 显眼的;显著的;突出的(easily seen)predecessor

[ˈpriːdəsesə(r)] n. 前任;前辈(a person who did a job before sb else)disgust [dɪsˈɡʌst] n. 厌恶;憎恶;反感(a strong feeling of dislike or disapproval for sb/sth that you feel is unacceptable, or for sth that looks, smells, etc. unpleasant)

· 语法分析 ·An article(主语)published in the Journal of Advertising Research some years ago(过去分词作后置定语,修饰主语)found(谓语)that themes of love are less prominent in modern songs(宾语从句); instead, desperation(主语)seems to feature(谓语)quite frequently(宾语).

A more recent study(主语), published in the Journal of Popular Music Studies(过去分词作后置定语,修饰主语), also shows(谓语)that contemporary songwriters are inspired by sadder themes than their predecessors(宾语从句).

The authors of this study(主语)conclude(谓语)that themes like anger, disgust, fear, sadness, and conscientiousness have increased significantly(宾语从句), while joy, confidence, and openness expressed in pop song lyrics have declined(状语从句,其中expressed...为过去分词作后置定语,修饰joy, confidence, and openness).

句子主干是:1️⃣An article found...2️⃣A more recent study shows...3️⃣The authors conclude...· 句子翻译 ·《广告研究杂志》几年前的一篇文章表示,爱情主题在现代歌曲中没有那么突出;相反,“绝望”主题似乎经常出现。


· 文章背景 ·从《I Will Always Love You》到《Somone Like You》,艺术家把眼泪变成了金子最近有两项研究,分析了美国与英国过去几十年里的几千首热门金曲自20世纪80年代以来,悲伤和孤独等情绪在歌词中越来越普遍。

而与此同时,表达纯粹喜悦的歌曲——如披头士乐队的《All You Need is Love》——却很少上榜· 表达积累 ·seem to do 看起来似乎;似乎要做呐!这就结束啦!是不是很容易呢?你已经坚持

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